Easy Southern Cooking

Easy Southern Cooking/ Easy Peanut Brittle

Easy Peanut Brittle

2 cups sugar
½ teaspoon baking soda
1 ½ cups shelled roasted peanuts

  1. Lightly oil a slab or inverted baking tray.  Sprinkle peanuts evenly over in a single layer. 
  2. Caramelize sugar in a heavy pan over low heat.  Stir constantly until sugar is melted and lightly browned.  Watch carefully for light brown as it will burn quickly once browning begins.
  3. Remove sugar from heat, add baking soda, and stir only enough to blend thoroughly.
  4. Pour sugar syrup over peanuts quickly in a thin layer.
  5. Let cool.  When cold break into pieces.  Makes one pound.




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